
Intimacy Alchemy: Couples Coaching

Imagine, stepping into a future where communication flows like a waterfall, intimacy crackles like wildfire, and growth blossoms like a shared garden. This application marks the beginning of your shared transformation, a journey I'm deeply honored to guide. So, spill the beans! What dreams yearn to be set ablaze in your partnership?

1. ➜

Your full names are...

2. ➜

Nice to meet you, what are your emails?

Please provide the emails of both of you (if available)




3. ➜

What inspired you to seek couples coaching?

4. ➜

How long have you and your partner been together? In what form (e.g., dating, living together, married)?

5. ➜

How are the two of you similar and how are you different?

6. ➜

How do you navigate ruptures (conflict) between the two of you? What does your partner do?

7. ➜

What strengths and weaknesses do you have in resolving conflict? What would you say are your partner’s strengths and weaknesses in resolving conflict?

8. ➜

Do you enjoy being involved in activities separate from you partner? What do you like to do in those situations?

9. ➜

On a scale of 1 to 10, how aware or in touch with your emotions are you?

1 = Not at all; 10 = Extremely

10. ➜

On a scale of 1 to 10, how open are you in expressing your innermost feelings, desires and thoughts to your partner?

1 = Totally closed; 10 = Totally open

11. ➜

Describe your sexual relationship. What do you find most satisfying about it? What would you like to see differently? How has your sexual relationship changed since you were first together?

12. ➜

If your relationship was a book or a movie, what would it be titled? And how would it end?

13. ➜

Let's book a discovery call!

Thank you for entrusting me with your story!

I'm eagerly awaiting the chance to delve deeper into your application and connect on your journey towards a more fulfilling relationship.

Let's book a discovery call πŸ‘‡πŸ»


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